Creating Mind Maps Using VUE
Meenakshi Saroha
Senior Academic Consultant
Graphical Tool
A graphic tool is a software application or platform that makes
use of visual effects to improve any content.
The right graphic tools can help a talented designer bring their
design vision to reality and eventually create attractive visuals
by manipulating images or models visually on a computer.
What is a Concept Map?
Concept maps are a graphical tool that is used to
visualize meaningful relationships among concepts. It’s
used as a knowledge representation tool, meaning they
basically represent the knowledge structure that we
humans store in our minds about a certain topic. Both
simple and complex concept maps consist of two things:
concepts and relationships among them.
A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize
information into a hierarchy, showing
relationships among pieces of the whole. It is often
created around a single concept, drawn as an
image in the center of a blank page, to which
associated representations of ideas such as images,
words and parts of words are added.
Mind Map
Difference between Concept map
and Mind map
Mind map has a radial structure, while the concept
map has a tree structure with many branches and
The concept map appears in big scope analysis
with interconnected concepts, while a mind map is
utilized in brainstorming for ideas organization.
Based on the complexity of the problem, people can choose
either a concept map or mind map. Multiple models are more
feasible in a complex problem or strategy that a company/an
individual has to come up with instantly.
It will take a lot of time to research and filter the information.
The sub-branches in the conceptual model will help you list that
option's potential advantages and weaknesses.
When To Use Which one?
When To Use Which one?
If you have a tactic issue that cannot be analyzed in a
big-scope map, mind mapping will be the ultimate choice.
This small simulation focuses mainly on one aspect of the
macro environment. Furthermore, you can use the
graphical tool to highlight the keywords to understand the
issue better.
Underlying Theory
Concept maps are based on Ausubel’s Assimilation
theory. This is built around the fact that new
knowledge can be learned effectively by linking it
to what is already known. Concept maps are seen
as a methodological tool of this theory.Generate
new ideas and add structure to your thoughts with
concept maps..
Origin of Concept Maps
Concept maps were the outcome of a research done
in the 1970s at Cornell University by Joseph Novak
an American Educator and Research Scientist and
his research team.
In order to study how children understand basic
science concepts, they studied and interviewed
many children.
Origin of Concept Maps
However, they found it difficult to identify the
changes in the ways children understood science
concepts with the detailed interview transcripts
The need to find a better solution to represent
children’s conceptual understanding led to the
development of the concept map in 1972.
The Key Characteristics of a Concept Map
Concept maps have specific characteristics that distinguish themselves
from other diagrams that are used to represent knowledge. And they are,
Nodes are the circles or the boxes
that are used to represent a concept
or an idea. These may vary in size,
according to their hierarchy on the
map; for example, more general
nodes at the top of the map may be
bigger than the more specific nodes
that follow them.
The Key Characteristics of a Concept Map
Concept maps consist of
concepts in different domains.
And the relationships
between these different
domains of knowledge are
shown with cross-links.
Pic 2
The Key Characteristics of a Concept Map
Linking Words
Or linking phrases if it
contains more than a word.
These describe the type of
relationship between the two
concepts and appear on the
line connecting them.
Pic 3
The Key Characteristics of a Concept Map
Hierarchical Structure
Usually, concept maps are
organized hierarchically. This
means the most general and
inclusive concepts are placed at
the top of the map. Those that are
more specific are positioned below
them. Accordingly, hierarchical
concept maps are read from top to
Pic 4
The Key Characteristics of a Concept Map
Propositional Structure
A concept map illustrates a set of meaningful
propositions about a topic.
Every two concepts (in some cases more than
two,) along with the linking phrases, form a
meaningful sentence, otherwise known as a
For example, in the following concept map, the
concepts “Relationships” and “Connectors and
linking words” are connected by the linking
phrase “Are represented by”. When connected,
this forms the proposition “Relationships are
represented by connectors and linking words”.
How to Draw a Concept Map?
Step 1: Pick a Topic
Step 2: Do a Quick Brainstorm
Step 3: Start to Draw the Map
Step 4: Connect the Concepts
Visual Understanding Environment
Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a concept and
content mapping application, developed to support teaching,
learning and research and for anyone who needs to organize,
contextualize, and access digital information. Using a simple set
of tools and a basic visual grammar consisting of nodes and
links, faculty and students can map relationships between
concepts, ideas and digital content.