General European OMCL Network (GEON)
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6
Full document title
and reference
Validation of Computerised Systems
Annex 1 Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6
Document type
Legislative basis
Date of first adoption
May 2009
Date of original entry
into force
July 2009
Date of entry into
force of revised
August 2018
Previous titles/other
references / last valid
Validation of Computerised Systems
Annex 1: Validation of computerised calculation systems: example
of validation of in-house software
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 2R
The present document was elaborated by the OMCL Network /
EDQM of the Council of Europe
Concerned Network GEON
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6 – Annex 1 of the OMCL Network Guideline Validation of Computerised Systems
Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
Note: Mandatory requirements in this guideline and its annexes are defined using the terms
«shall» or «must». The use of «should» indicates a recommendation. For these parts of the text
other appropriately justified approaches are acceptable. The term «can» indicates a possibility or
an example with non-binding character.
This is the 1
Annex of the core document “Validation of Computerised Systems”, and it should be
used in combination with the latter when planning, performing and documenting the validation
process of Excel
spreadsheets used for the processing of laboratory data.
This Annex presents an example of Excel spreadsheet validation, which should be used in
combination with the general requirements and recommendations given in the core document.
To guarantee that only the latest validated version of the spreadsheet is being used and to maintain
the validated state of the spreadsheet, all validated Excel spreadsheets should be stored with read-
only access rights for the end users (e.g., on a protected network share). Only responsible persons
should have write access to the network share.
End users should have no right to modify a validated spreadsheet, add a non-validated spreadsheet
to the share, or save data on the share. End users should only have the right to fill in the (permitted)
cells and to print the data or save a copy to a data repository if needed.
Installation shall be documented, e.g. in the validation file, in a system log book or on a QA form.
The name of the spreadsheet, unique identification, localisation, and the person responsible for the
spreadsheet shall be documented. The records shall also include verification, regular verification
and other issues such as updates or any problem encountered. Verification is completed after
installation and recorded.
When setting up a new spreadsheet, following the good practices below will reduce the risk of
accidental modifications of the template and erroneous data input:
- All calculating cells shall be locked (Format Cells > Protection > Locked) in order to protect
cells containing calculations against unintended modification, except those used for data
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6 – Annex 1 of the OMCL Network Guideline Validation of Computerised Systems
Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
- Cells used for data input can be identified by a specific colour.
- Data validation rules (Data tab > Data Validation) can be applied to data input cells to
prevent the introduction of aberrant values. Input messages and Error alert messages can be
used to inform the end user of the expected data type and acceptable range.
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6 – Annex 1 of the OMCL Network Guideline Validation of Computerised Systems
Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
- Cells used for presenting the results of the calculations (output) can be identified by a
specific colour. When the results are tested against acceptance criteria it is recommended
using conditional formatting (Home tab > Conditional Formatting) to highlight out-of-
specifications results.
- The name of the operator responsible for data entry, and the date and time of data entry
should be recorded in dedicated input cells or the spreadsheet is printed, signed and dated
after calculation.
- File path, spreadsheet filename and MS Excel® version number can be displayed within the
print area of the spreadsheet. The Excel functions ‘=CELL("filename")
‘=INFO("RELEASE")’ can be used to display the path, filename, active sheet and the version
number of MS Excel® in use.
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6 – Annex 1 of the OMCL Network Guideline Validation of Computerised Systems
Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
- Password protection is recommended for all cells containing calculations (Review tab >
Protect Sheet), with only the default options checked. The same password can be used for all
sheets and can be documented in the validation file. The sheet protection password should
not be communicated to the end users.
- After protecting each sheet, the workbook structure should also be password protected
(Review tab > Protect Workbook). The same password can be used as the one for sheet
An example of a spreadsheet used to calculate a vaccine titration is shown on the image below.
From results obtained for a reference product (height measured at 4 concentrations), a calibration
curve and its formula are provided. Both of them are needed to calculate the concentrations
corresponding to the height measured for the tested vaccine.
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6 – Annex 1 of the OMCL Network Guideline Validation of Computerised Systems
Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
In the image, grey cells are filled with numerical data from experimentation and are the only ones
that can be changed by the operator. All other cells are locked. No more than one cell from the
calibration range can be empty; all cells for vaccines must be filled to guarantee proper use.
4.1. Documentation of the spreadsheet
There should be a general description of the spreadsheet explaining its purpose, general layout,
input types and data validation rules if required (some spreadsheet might be self-explaining). This
description can be documented in the spreadsheet itself (e.g. in a dedicated sheet), in a SOP or in
the validation file.
Next to the general description, a full print-out of the spreadsheet where all formulas are shown
(Formulas tab > Show Formulas) should be kept in the validation file.
When VBA
macros are used, the VBA code should also be printed and kept in the validation file.
If matrix-formulas (array-formulas) are used, this must be indicated. An individual printout of each
matrix formula is necessary.
Visual Basic for Applications
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6 – Annex 1 of the OMCL Network Guideline Validation of Computerised Systems
Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
All print-outs shall clearly identify the spreadsheet name or identification and version number.
When a new version of the spreadsheet is being validated, a summary of the changes since the
previous version should be given.
The version of Microsoft Excel used for the creation and validation of the spreadsheet should be
traceable (either by the documentation of the spreadsheet or by the change log of the IT
department), and any known incompatibilities with older or newer versions should be documented.
The documentation of the spreadsheet can be considered as the URS.
In order to properly document the spreadsheet, formulas shall be printed and entered into the
validation document (see example below).
4.2. Validation of the calculations of the spreadsheet
All calculations are to be verified with a system completely independent from the self-developed
spreadsheet. One validation method is to compare the results obtained by the spreadsheet with
results obtained by commercial software or with a calculator, using the same dataset as input.
Another validation method is to compare the results obtained by the spreadsheet with published
reference data (e.g. physicochemical data of substances).
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6 – Annex 1 of the OMCL Network Guideline Validation of Computerised Systems
Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
If the spreadsheet will be used on computers running different versions of Excel it is required to
perform the validation of the functionality using each of those different versions as some newer
Excel functions are not retro-compatible with older versions of Excel.
4.2.1. Validation of the calculations by using commercial software or published data
A dataset as close to real values as possible must be chosen. Excel
calculations are compared to the
results given by commercial software or by published data, which are considered as validated (see
example in the image below). The commercial software provides the coefficient of correlation, R
and the coefficients of the calibration curve.
If no discrepancy occurs, the validation of this part of the calculation is considered as fulfilled. If a
discrepancy is observed, a check and revision of the formulas must be performed (and the whole
validation re-performed).
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6 – Annex 1 of the OMCL Network Guideline Validation of Computerised Systems
Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
4.2.2. Validation of the calculations with a calculator (manual calculation)
Using the printed formulas from the spreadsheet, all concentrations are calculated using a calculator
(see next image) and compared with the results given by the spreadsheet.
As an alternative, the PC calculator can be used and documented in screen shoots, as in the image
If no discrepancy occurs, the validation of this part of the calculation is considered fulfilled. If a
discrepancy is observed, both the revision of the formulas and the manual calculations should be
repeated (and the whole validation re-performed).
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 87 R6 – Annex 1 of the OMCL Network Guideline Validation of Computerised Systems
Validation of Excel Spreadsheets
Moreover, calculations in paragraph 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 should be re-performed with other datasets
including exceptional situations, for example: OOS results, missing data, or nonsense data.
Calculations should also be validated under these conditions, as applicable (data not shown).
4.2.3. Validation of the protections
The following points shall be verified and documented:
- Access rights to the spreadsheet (e.g. on the network share) are correct: the file cannot be
modified or deleted by users.
- The different sheets within the spreadsheet are properly protected: only input cells can be
edited, all other cells are locked.
- A password (if applicable) is needed to remove sheet protection and workbook protection.
At this stage, the spreadsheet is considered as validated and its status is issued and filed.
Regularly, in a risk-based approach an OMCL should define an appropriate frequency of regular
verification of an existing spreadsheet. After every change performed in the soft- or hardware
configuration, the spreadsheet should be verified to ensure that its validated state is maintained. A
known dataset is used and the results are compared to the standard one.
In order to help the operator, verification instructions containing the information required should be
Each verification is registered, with the following information: date of operation, intervention (i.e.
verification), comments, and operator’s signature. Results from the verification should be kept in
the validation file or system documentation.