Volume 2 • Issue 6 • 1000117
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Tran, J Sports Med Doping Stud 2012, 2:6
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0673.1000117
Research Article Open Access
Football Scores on the Big Five Personality Factors across 50 States in the
Xuan Tran*
University of West Florida, USA
Despite the growing evidence of role personality plays on sport and exercise related behavior, little is known about
the inuence of personality traits on football players in the U.S. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects
of the big ve personality traits on football achievements. Extraversion (E), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness
(C), Neuroticism (N), and Openness (O) traits obtained from 619,397 U.S. respondents in a previous study were used
as predictors to state-level football scores in this study. Across 50 states in the U.S., football ranks were positively
correlated with state scores on the Big Five personality factors of conscientiousness and agreeableness. However,
when applying multiple regression analyses to the prediction model for football ranks based on ve independent
variables of the Big Five personality factors, only conscientiousness and neuroticism would signicantly predict
football ranks. Agreeableness correlates with football ranks but does not contribute to the prediction model since
agreeableness is collinear with conscientiousness, extraversion, and openness. Neuroticism insignicantly correlates
with football ranks but contributes to the prediction because the suppressor effect of conscientiousness by neuroticism
has improved its predictor of football ranks. The ndings implied that in order to increase high ranks in football practice,
selection for athletics would focus on persons with high conscientiousness and neuroticism.
*Corresponding author: Xuan Tran, University of West Florida, USA, E-mail:
Received September 22, 2012; Accepted October 26, 2012; Published October
26, 2012
Citation: Tran X (2012) Football Scores on the Big Five Personality Factors
across 50 States in the U.S. J Sports Med Doping Stud 2:117. doi:10.4172/2161-
Copyright: © 2012 Tran X. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Keywords: Conscientiousness; Neuroticism; Extroversion; Agree-
ableness; Openness; Football
Personality can be dened as the intrinsic organization of an
individuals mental world that is stable over time and consistent over
situations [1]. e importance of personality as a predictor for behavior
performance has been recognized in psychology [2]. Researchers have
recently reported the signicant eects of personality on sports [3].
What personality type of person is the successful athlete playing
football? Are the athletes’ personality traits related to their performance
on the football eld? Using the Prole of Mood States [4-6] had dierent
answers to these questions. It has been reported that no unifying theory
of personality and no consensus about which personality dimensions
to measure or how to measure them, comparisons of personality were
dicult to interpret and, arguably, unreliable [7].
Contemporary research uses the Big Five personality factor
model (Extraversion (E), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness
(C), Neuroticism (N), and Openness (O)) as a reliable and valid
measurement for psychological characteristics [8] based on the three
main reasons. First, the ve dimensions are rooted in biology [9].
Second, the dimensions are relatively stable throughout life [10], and
third, the dimensions are found in several cultures [11].
Most research has focused on the eects of the ve personality
traits on human behavior. Agreeableness reects warmth, compassion,
cooperativeness, and friendliness. Agreeableness was negatively related
to rates of robbery, murder, and property crime [12]. Extraversion
is associated with sociability, energy, and health. Dierent from
agreeableness, extraversion reects sociability and outgoingness
more than friendliness and warmth [13]. Conscientiousness reects
dutifulness, responsibility, and self-discipline. Low-conscientiousness
individuals are more likely to commit acts of violence and deviance
than are high-conscientiousness individuals [12]. Neuroticism reects
anxiety, stress, impulsivity, and emotional instability and is related
to antisocial behavior, poor coping, and poor health [12]. Openness
reects curiosity, intellect, and creativity. Open individuals prefer jobs
that involve a high degree of abstract and creative thought [12].
Little contemporary research has explored the eects of the ve
personality traits on football although football is one of the key sports
in the United States. is research attempted to explore the inuence of
football playerspersonality traits on their achievements. e purpose of
this study was thus to examine the eects of neuroticism, extraversion,
openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness on football ranks
across 50 states to propose the most eective way to develop a successful
football team based on personality traits.
Some studies have specically examined the role of the Big Five in
predicting academic performance [14]. Studies have also indicated a
positive relationship between conscientiousness and job performance
[15]. Piedmont et al. [16] examined the coaches’ ratings on their games
and found that there were signicant correlations between athletic
ability and personality. Kovacs [17] reported that conscientiousness
and neuroticism have a direct correlation to athletic performance.
Extraversion has been found to predict sport performance, particularly
in team athletes [18]. Aidman and Schoeld [3] reported that
Agreeableness and Openness are not correlated with sport performance.
e present study has focused on the ve personality traits at state
level based on the assumption that psychological characteristics are
geographically clustered across the country. ere are at least three main
reasons for geographic variations on personality across 50 states in the
United States. First, the early child rearing practices form psychological
characteristics and these practices are shaped by larger societal
institutions in which individual lives [19]. Secondly, in the United States
the groups of immigrants who chose to leave their homeland possess
ISSN: 2161-0673
Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping
Volume 2 • Issue 6 • 1000117
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Citation: Tran X (2012) Football Scores on the Big Five Personality Factors across 50 States in the U.S. J Sports Med Doping Stud 2:117.
Page 2 of 5
restricted gene pools of nonrandom samples of personality traits [20].
Finally, there appear geographic variations on personality because the
specic personality of social founders may inuence regional peoples
personality traits [21]. Rentfrow et al. [20] examined big ve personality
traits from over half a million U.S. residents and found that (1) North
Dakota was ranked as the state with highest extroversion but Maryland
as the state with lowest extroversion; (2) North Dakota was again
ranked as the state with the highest agreeableness but Alaska as the state
with lowest agreeableness; (3) New Mexico was ranked as the state with
the highest conscientiousness but Alaska as the state with the lowest
conscientiousness; (4) West Virginia was ranked as the state with the
highest neuroticism but Utah as the state with the lowest neuroticism;
(5) Washington, D.C. as the district with highest openness but North
Dakota as the state with the lowest openness. As a result, y U.S. states
possessed dierent levels of big ve personality traits [20].
When 50 states are dierentiated by their own personality,
they will inuence athletic performance since the ve personality
factors (neuroticism, extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, and
agreeableness) reect the core aspects of humans in the sport domain.
erefore, this study hypothesized that there would be signicant
relationship between football ranks and the big ve personality factors
across 50 states.
Ethical clearance
According to Rentfrow et al. [20], the personality data were
collected as part of an ongoing study of personality involving volunteers
assessed over the World Wide Web. e website is a noncommercial,
advertisement-free website containing a variety of personality
measures. Potential respondents could nd out about the site through
several channels, including search engines, or unsolicited links on
other websites. e data reported in the present research were collected
between December 1999 and January 2005. Respondents volunteered
to participate in the study by clicking on the personality test icon; they
were then presented with a series of questions about their personalities,
demographic characteristics, and state of residence. Aer responding to
each item and submitting their responses, participants were presented
with a customized personality evaluation based on their responses to
all the items [20].
Study design
e present study explored a model of the relationships between the
state-level ve personality factors and the state-level football scores. e
independent variables are state ranks for each personality dimension,
adapted from Rentfrow et al. [20]. e dependent variable is the state
ranks for football scores, adapted from Bleacher report [22].
Table 1 provides 51 state ranks for each personality dimension and
football score, which were adapted from Rentfrow et al. [20] and the
Bleacher report [22].
According to Rentfrow et al. [20], in order to avoid the possibility
that respondents may complete a survey multiple times resulting in
unreliable and misleading results, the researchers used several criteria
to eliminate repeat responders. “First, one question included in the
survey asked: ‘‘Have you ever previously lled out this particular
questionnaire on this site?’ If respondents reported completing the
questionnaire before, their data were excluded. Second, IP addresses
were used to identify repeat responders. If an IP address appeared two
or more times within a 1-hr period, all responses were deleted. ird,
if an IP address appeared more than once in a time span of more than
1 hour, consecutive responses from the same IP address were matched
on several demographic characteristics (gender, age, ethnicity etc.)
and eliminated if there was a match. Finally, only respondents who
indicated that they lived in the 50 U.S. states or in Washington D.C.
were included.” [20].
e sample size was 619,397 respondents (55% female). e median
age of respondents was 24 years (SD 59.8 years). e sample was
comprised of White (80.2%), African American (4%), Asian (6.6%),
Latino (4.6%), and other (4.6%). e respondents included social
class (13.5%), working class (15.6%), middle class (42.8%), and upper-
middle class (25.7%) and upper class (2.4%). Overall, these analyses
indicate that our Internet-based sample was generally representative of
the population at large [23].
Procedure-data collection and data analysis
Independent variables were extraversion, agreeableness, conscien-
tiousness, neuroticism, and openness. e ve personality traits were
obtained from e Big Five Inventory [13]. e Big Five Inventory con-
sists of 44 short statements designed to assess the prototypical traits
dening each of the ve factor model dimensions based on a 5-point
Likert-type rating scale ranging from 1 (disagree strongly) to 5 (agree
strongly). e Big Five Inventory scales have shown reliability and va-
lidity compared with other ve factor model measures at the individual
level [24].
Dependent variable was state-level football scores ranked in order
for 50 states, which were available online from the Bleacher report [22].
Multiple regression analyses were conducted to nd the causative
relationship between football scores and ve personality traits.
e means and standard deviations of the data were summarized
in table 2 as follows
Table 3 indicates that football ranks were positively associated
with scores on the Big Five Inventory factors of Agreeableness (r=.40,
two-tailed p=.003) and conscientiousness (r=.42, two-tailed p=.002)
but were not signicantly correlated to extraversion, neuroticism, and
openness (rs=.21, .11, and -.02, respectively). Using the Spearman rank-
order correlation coecient yielded similar results. Football ranks were
positively correlated with Agreeableness and Conscientiousness (rs=.40
and .43, two tailed ps<.001), but were not signicantly correlated
to Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Openness (rs=.20, .10, and -.01,
Multiple regression analyses were used to test the causative
relationships between football ranks and ve personality traits
(Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and
Openness) as illustrated in table 4 as follows:
e result of the regression for football ranks indicated
conscientiousness and neuroticism explained 27% of the variance
R2=.27, F(5, 44)=3.29, p<.05). It was found that conscientiousness
and neuroticism predicted football rank (βs=.37 and .28, respectively,
Agreeableness correlates football rankings but does not contribute
to the prediction model since Agreeableness is collinear with
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Openness. Neuroticism does not
Volume 2 • Issue 6 • 1000117
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Citation: Tran X (2012) Football Scores on the Big Five Personality Factors across 50 States in the U.S. J Sports Med Doping Stud 2:117.
Page 3 of 5
correlate football rankings but contribute to the prediction because the
suppressor eect of Conscientiousness by Neuroticism has improved its
predictor of football rankings [25].
Like Kovacs [17] nding, there is an association between
conscientiousness and sport ranking. Conscientiousness is
signicantly positively correlated with football ranking. Moreover,
the present analysis indicated that conscientiousness would predict
football rankings. In addition, the study found the football rankings
were signicantly associated with neuroticism. A state with higher
neuroticism would get higher football rankings because neuroticism is
a strong predictor for football rankings. In sum, the signicance of these
relationships may contribute to selection and management of football
teams. It also helps forecasting the results of football competition
based on the prole of big ve personality traits. In order to increase
high ranks in football practice, selection for athletics would focus on
State Football Extraversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Neuroticism Openness
Alabama 1 20 36 36 30 48
Alaska 42 49 51 51 47 49
Arizona 29 24 31 9 45 31
Arkansas 15 31 41 37 10 27
California 4 38 28 27 37 6
Colorado 32 28 29 15 50 8
Connecticut 38 33 43 46 15 12
Delaware 42 21 37 34 19 42
District of Columbia 42 3 50 40 31 1
Florida 2 10 14 8 36 13
Georgia 10 6 8 3 33 20
Hawaii 37 39 24 49 40 46
Idaho 22 46 39 26 32 30
Illinois 17 9 26 11 20 21
Indiana 8 34 19 14 13 34
Iowa 26 15 15 33 22 43
Kansas 31 13 17 5 34 38
Kentucky 27 36 21 19 7 45
9 30 13 30 8 29
Maine 42 11 46 50 12 35
Maryland 33 51 38 35 17 10
Massachusetts 34 42 40 43 11 4
Michigan 5 17 11 21 26 36
Minnesota 35 5 2 22 41 40
Mississippi 13 19 3 12 4 41
Missouri 25 18 16 10 25 32
Montana 42 43 42 29 39 16
Nebraska 11 4 10 7 44 44
Nevada 39 37 48 24 42 9
New Hampshire 42 50 30 44 14 14
New Jersey 36 14 34 45 5 15
New Mexico 41 22 33 1 29 23
New York 30 32 47 42 3 2
North Carolina 23 35 7 2 24 33
North Dakota 42 1 1 23 43 51
Ohio 6 25 27 38 9 24
Oklahoma 7 27 9 6 27 37
Oregon 21
44 18 31 48 3
Pennsylvania 14 12 35 28 6 25
Rhode Island 42 40 45 48 2 28
South Carolina 12 26 20 16 16 26
South Dakota 42 7 23 17 49 39
Tennessee 24 29 6 13 23 19
Texas 3 16 25 18 28 17
Utah 18 8 4 4 51 18
Vermont 42 47 12 41 18 7
Virginia 16 45 44 39 21 11
Washington 28 48 22 25 46 5
West Virginia 20 23 32 32 1 22
Wisconsin 19 2 5 20 35 47
Wyoming 40 41 49 47 38 50
Table 1: State Rankings for Each Five Factor Personality Dimension and Football Score. (Rentfrow et al. [20] and the Bleacher Report [22])
Volume 2 • Issue 6 • 1000117
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Citation: Tran X (2012) Football Scores on the Big Five Personality Factors across 50 States in the U.S. J Sports Med Doping Stud 2:117.
Page 4 of 5
persons with high Conscientiousness and Neuroticism. Future research
might also nd the model of these relationships useful when expanding
athletic departments.
Since low-Conscientiousness individuals are more likely to
commit acts of violence and deviance than are high-Conscientiousness
individuals [12], football players with low conscientiousness may be
likely to commit doping or other deviant behavior. Conscientiousness
reects the degree to which football players prefer systematic and
focused tasks and clearly dened rules and regulations so conscientious
individuals tend to engage in health promoting behavior and live
long healthy lives, which is consistent with previous research [26].
Conscientiousness was negatively related to spending time in a bar and
entertaining guests at home [20] so conscientious football players were
not related to social involvement. Rentfrow et al. [20] also reported that
large proportions of computer scientists and mathematicians in high
Conscientiousness states and more artists and entertainers are in low
Conscientiousness states.
Neuroticism reects anxiety, stress, impulsivity, and emotional
instability. Table 4 indicates that Neuroticism is a signicant predictor
in the model although the correlation between Neuroticism and
Football scores is not signicant. e reason for this is Neuroticism
is a suppressor. According to Cohen et al. [25], a suppressor that
is uncorrelated with Y may be signicant in a multiple regression
model. e suppressor eect of Conscientiousness by Neuroticism
has improved its predictor of football rankings. A football player with
high Neuroticism may take a risk to attain the goal by doping or anti-
social behavior; however, the direction of these relationships changed
when controlling for urbanization and income [20]. e research
showing inverse relationships between Neuroticism and longevity and
Neuroticism is negatively related social involvement [12,27].
Agreeableness reects warmth, compassion, cooperativeness, and
friendliness at the individual level. Agreeableness was correlated with
football scores but it did not predict football scores since football players
with high agreeableness were positively associated with activities that
promote tight social relations so it correlates with the football scores
when the players help others in their team but in order to attain the
goal, the cooperativeness should be replaced by competition.
An increase in conscientiousness is associated with an increase
in football ranking. Moreover, the present analysis indicated that
conscientiousness would predict football ranks. In addition, the study
found the football ranks were signicantly associated with neuroticism.
A state with higher neuroticism would get higher football ranks and
neuroticism is a strong predictor for football ranking. In sum, the
signicance of these relationships may contribute to selection and
management of football teams. It also helps forecasting the results of
football competition based on the prole of big ve personality traits. In
order to increase high ranks in football practice, selection for athletics
would focus on persons with high conscientiousness and neuroticism.
Future research might also nd the model of these relationships useful
when expanding athletic departments.
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Average of 50-state data Mean Std.Deviation
Football rank 24.78 13.54
Extroversion rank 26.10 14.99
Agreeableness rank 25.78 14.93
Conscientiousness rank 25.84 14.92
Neuroticism rank 26.14 14.98
Openness rank 25.68 14.83
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Enrollment in local colleges.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1. Football rank .22 .39** .41** .12 -.05
2. Extroversion rank .43** .44** -.12 -.31*
3. Agreeableness rank .65** -.18 -.30*
4. Conscientiousness rank -.32* -.12
5. Neuroticism rank .10
6. Openness rank
(**) Correlation is signicant at 0.01 levels (1-tailed)
(*) Correlation is signicant at 0.05 levels (1-tailed)
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*Predictor C E A O N
r (p) .43(.00) .20(.15) .40(.00) -.01(.91) .10(.44)
β (p) .36(.05) .00(.96) .22(.20) .05(.68) .27(.05)
Predictors: C: Conscientiousness; E: Extraversion; A: Agreeableness; O:
Openness; N: Neuroticism
Dependent Variable: Football rank
Table 4: Spearman’s rho Bivariate and Multivariate Contributions–DV=Football
Volume 2 • Issue 6 • 1000117
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Citation: Tran X (2012) Football Scores on the Big Five Personality Factors across 50 States in the U.S. J Sports Med Doping Stud 2:117.
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