Surgical Abortion Information and Instructions
Please read the instructions and information below about what to expect at your appointments.
The visit includes a number of steps and may last up to 2 or more hours.
You will receive the following services during your visit:
o Confirmation of pregnancy via vaginal ultrasound
o Review of medical history
o Options counseling about parenting, adoption, and abortion with Physician 24 hours prior to
making a decision about the pregnancy
o Education session on future birth control methods available by prescription or at the health
center (if desired)
o Opportunity for STI testing (if desired)
*All of the above steps must be completed before becoming eligible for Day 2
**If you are under 18 years of age at the time of the first appointment, please see “Minors & Abortion Law” at the bottom of this
page for more information.
$440 - $1150
The visit includes a number of steps and may last up to 4 or more hours.
You will receive the following services during your visit:
o Confirmation of medical history
o Confirmation of options counseling about parenting, adoption, and abortion
o Lab work – hematocrit, blood typing, urine testing
o Education session on future birth control methods available by prescription or at the health
center (if desired)
o Prescription for future birth control method (if desired)
o Opportunity for preventative STI testing (if desired)Pelvic exam and sedation medications prior to
surgical procedure
Do not take any illegal drugs prior to your visit. Failure to comply could affect your visit.
Do not take Aspirin 7 days prior to your visit.
Additional fees may apply due to blood type (Rh Negative patients require Rhogam injection).
With Sedation: If you are receiving sedation, you are required to have a ride drive you to and from the health
center. Whoever drops you off must pick you up. Your ride must accompany you into the health center and
sign a Transportation Information Form. Once this is signed, they may leave, but may stay within a 20 minute
drive of the health center. When you are ready, we will call them. Your driver must present photo ID to enter
the building.
Without Sedation: If you are not receiving sedation, you are able to drive yourself to and from the appointment
and do not require a driver.
Day 1 (Consultation): There are no restrictions on food. Please make sure you eat before your appointment.
Day 2 (Abortion): Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before your appointment. This includes
water, gum, or candy. For your safety, we will cancel your appointment if you have anything to eat or drink the
day of your surgery.
You are more than welcome to bring one guest, but they must stay in the lobby. Anyone, including yourself
and your guest, MUST have a photo ID to enter the building.
Children in the
Health Center
Due to limited spacing in our waiting rooms and their safety, we do not allow babies or children to accompany
you to this appointment.
If you have insurance, we recommend contacting your insurance company directly to confirm your eligibility
and benefits, as it may cover a portion of your visit, STI Testing, or Birth Control. Please make sure to bring
proof of insurance to your appointment. The name on your ID and Medical Card must match in order to be
used and the card must be present at the time of visit. You are welcome to call us the day before your
appointment, as we may have some benefit information available at that time. Co-Pays are due at the time of
your appointment.
After you have completed Day 1 (Consultation), if you’d like to find out if you are eligible for financial
assistance, please call us at 602-277-7526.
Surgical Abortion appointments are available at the Glendale Health Center, Tempe Health Center, and at
Tucson Women’s Center. Please consult our website for specific times and days.
To make an appointment, please go online to or you can call us at one of the numbers listed below at
least 24 hours in advance.
NOTE: You may not make an appointment for Day 2 (Abortion) until you have completed Day 1
To cancel or reschedule your appointment, please go to or call us at one of the numbers listed below
at least 24 hours in advance.
Late Policy
Please arrive 15 – 20 minutes before your scheduled appointment. If you are late to the appointment we do
reserve the right to reschedule. Give yourself plenty of time to get here.
Abortion Law
If you decide to have an abortion as a minor, you will need to complete one of the consent options below.
Either option must be obtained before your appointment and is required by law before any services can be
performed. It is your choice which option is best for you.
The two options are:
1) Parental Consent: Under the age of 18, Arizona State law requires that a parent or guardian give
permission for you to have an abortion.
2) Judicial Bypass: If you do not feel you are able to safely or comfortably talk to your parent/legal
guardian, you can obtain a Judicial Bypass through the court system. This means a court has
determined that you are mature enough to make the decision to have an abortion without letting
your parent, guardian or foster parent know, or that it is not in your best interest to notify your parent,
guardian or foster parent.
Abortion Law
Under the age of 18, Arizona State law requires that a
parent/legal guardian give permission for you to have
an abortion.
You will need the following:
“Parental Consent Form for Pregnant Minors
must be signed by you and a parent/legal
guardian (together) and notarized by a formal
notary (Bank, UPS, etc.).
At your appointment, your parent/legal
guardian that signed the notarized form must
be present to give additional parental consent
in the health center. They must come into the
health center with you and sign an electronic
form before leaving. We cannot start the
appointment without this signature.
A copy of the patient’s birth certificate is
required (it can be a copy and does not have to be the
BOTH patient’s and parental/legal guardian’s
State issued ID is required. If you have lost your
ID or do not have one, you must go to the
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to obtain
a temporary ID or you can go online. No
school or unofficial ID’s are accepted.
If you do not feel safe or comfortable talking to your
parent/legal guardian, you can obtain a Judicial
Bypass. The court evaluates:
1) If you are mature enough to make the decision
to have an abortion without telling your
2) That it may not be in your best interest to notify
your guardian about your decision
You will need the following:
Judicial Bypass must be obtained through the
court system and does not require a
parent/legal guardian to be present at time of
State issued ID is required. If you have lost your
ID or do not have one, you must go to the
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to obtain a
temporary ID or you can go online. No school or
unofficial ID’s are accepted.
Please visit our Minors & Abortion Law page for more
1. Arizona State Law: Sections of Law Related to Medicine: 44-132.
Capacity of minor to obtain hospital, medical and surgical care; definition
A. Notwithstanding any other provision of law except as provided in title 36, chapter 20, article 1, and without limiting cases in which consent may
otherwise be obtained or is not required, any emancipated minor, any minor who has contracted a lawful marriage or any homeless minor may give
consent to the furnishing of hospital, medical and surgical care to such minor, and such consent shall not be subject to disaffirmance because of
minority. The consent of the parent, or parents, of such a person is not necessary in order to authorize hospital, medical and surgical care. For the
purposes of this section only, subsequent judgment of annulment of such marriage or judgment of divorce shall not deprive such person of his
adult status once attained.
B. A health care provider acting in reliance on the consent of a minor who has authority or apparent authority pursuant to this section to consent to
health care is not subject to criminal and civil liability and professional disciplinary action on the ground that he or she failed to obtain consent of the
minor's parent, parents or legal guardian. This subsection does not affect any other cause of action permitted under title 12, chapter 5.1.
C. For purposes of this section, a homeless minor is an individual under the age of eighteen years living apart from his parents and who lacks a fixed
and regular nighttime residence or whose primary residence is either a supervised shelter designed to provide temporary accommodations, a
halfway house or a place not designed for or ordinarily used for sleeping by humans.
2. Arizona State Law: Sections of Law Related to Medicine: 44-132.01.
Capacity of minor to obtain treatment for venereal disease without consent of parent
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, a minor who may have contracted a venereal disease may give consent to the furnishing of hospital or medical
care related to the diagnosis or treatment of such disease and such consent shall not be subject to disaffirmance because of minority. The consent of the parent,
parents or legal guardian of such a person shall not be necessary in order to authorize hospital or medical care.
Phoenix (602) 277-7526 • Tucson (520) 408-7526 • Toll-Free (855) 207-7526