Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1989–2011 Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1989–2011
Volume 16 Number 2 Article 5
The Deuteronomist De-Christianizing of the Old Testament The Deuteronomist De-Christianizing of the Old Testament
Kevin Christensen
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Christensen, Kevin (2004) "The Deuteronomist De-Christianizing of the Old Testament,"
Review of Books
on the Book of Mormon 1989–2011
: Vol. 16 : No. 2 , Article 5.
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The Deuteronomist De-Christianizing of the Old
Kevin Christensen
FARMS Review 16/2 (2004): 59–90.
1550-3194 (print), 2156-8049 (online)
Review of “The Mormon Christianizing of the Old
Testament” (1990), by Melodie Moench Charles.
e Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scrip
ture, 
   
e Word of God
    
 On Earth as It Is in Heaven: Temple Symbolism in the New Testa-
 
FARMS Occasional Papers 
Kevin Christensen (BA, San Jose State University) is a
technical writer based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
 
          
       
         
        
   
 Millennial Harbinger, 
 
           
e Great High Priest: e Temple Roots of Christian Liturgy
 e Hidden Book in the Bible, 
New York Times,
      
 were still being removed at the beginning of the
Christian era,
        
  
         
 Who Wrote the Bible?
     Obsession with Justice: e Story of the Deuteronomists
 e Great Angel A Study of Israel’s Second God
 e Risen Lord: e
Jesus of History as the Christ of Faith
 
writings on a scroll. Story
of the Deuteronomists,Enoch the Prophet 
 
      
          
    
         
      
 
   
           
e Book of Mormon and Other Hidden
  Great Angel,
 
        
     
         
had gone astray in the secret things, presumably the teachings
of the priesthood.
       
 
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies
 Great High Priest,
 Great High Priest, 
 
    
Great High Priest,
 
         
 King Josiah of Judah: Lost Messiah of Israel  
           
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 
Great High Priest,
 Glimpses of Lehi’s Jeru-
salem, 
 King Josiah of Judah: e Lost Messiah of Israel
        
        
 
Who Wrote the Bible?
 
   
       
     
 e Prophets: Who ey Were, What ey Are
   
     
        
 e Revelation of Jesus Christ, Which God Gave Him to Show to
His Servants What Must Soon Take Place (Revelation 1.1)
 
         
    
       
e Conception of God
         
 
Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem,
 e Older Testament: Survival of emes from the Ancient Royal
Cult in Sectarian Judaism and Early Christianity 
Great High Priest, 
 
FARMS Review, 
, Isaiah as Liturgy;
 Older Testament,
   
e New Mormon Challenge: Responding to the Latest Defenses of a Fast-
Growing Movement,
Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture,       
 
 Since Cumorah,
El and Jehovah
 
 e Great Angel: A Study of Israels
Second God,  
        
 
Isaiah in the Book of Mormon
 Since Cumorah
 
 Great Angel, 
Great Angel, 
Book of Mor
   Nephite Culture and Society  
 
e Orthodox Corruption of Scripture: e Effect of Early Chris
tological Controversies on the Text of the New Testament 
       
 
idea of a procreator God with sons seems to have fallen out of favour
among those who equated Yahweh and El
         
e Source of Evil
  
FARMS Review
 Older Testament,
 Great Angel,
 
Isaiah and the Prophets: Inspired Voices from the
Old Testament, 
the sons of God:
cryptic fragment about Azazel.
   
1 Enoch
1 Enoch
         
 Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible,
 
 
        
    
   Joseph Smith and the Ancient World, 
       
 Older Testament,
 Great Angel,Enoch the Prophet,
 
e Law
 Ancient Texts and Mormonism
 
    Ancient Texts and Mormonism, 
   
       Reason, Revelation, and Faith: Essays in
Honor of Truman G. Madsen, 
 
          
          
        
e Messiah
        
   never      
 
e Church of the Old Testament
   Miqvaot:       
BYU Studies
    
is step is
unacknowledged in any account I have read of atonement in
the New Testament
 Risen Lord       
          
 Risen Lord,
 e Lost Prophet: e Book of Enoch and Its Influence on Chris-
 
        
 
 e Gate of Heaven: e History and Symbolism of the Temple
in Jerusalem           
                
Older Testament,
       
Testament, 
 
since there is no other
passage in the Hebrew Scriptures which speaks of a suffering
Anointed One
      
 
      
Holy One
       
 
  
    
 Revelation of Jesus Christ,
 Lost Prophet,
 Older Testament,
 
 Assumption
of Moses,
e Jewish En
tion transferred the atoning power to God
they are texts which bear upon the Christian tradition
 Great High Priest,
 
e Most Correct Book: Insights from a
Book of Mormon Scholar 
 Great High Priest,
   
       
           
        
       
 
 Risen Lord,
 
 Older Testament,
 
         
        
       
          
  
 
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explo
rations in Critical Methodology, 
 
Revelation of
Jesus Christ, Great High Priest, 
 
By Study and Also by Faith, 
of Books on the Book of Mormon
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon,
Review of Books on the Book of Mormon
        
  
     
e Aerlife and the Redeemer
         
         
Otherworld Journeys,
  
 Great Angel,
 
 
 Gate of Heaven,
 Great Angel,
 
 Revelation of Jesus Christ, 
 Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experience in Medi-
eval and Modern Times
 
  
   
  
e Fall of Adam
not 
Lost Prophet,
    
 Most Correct Book,
 
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies
 Lost Prophet,
        
 
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 
 
Temple eology,
e Need for Atonement
         
Sherem as a Deuteronomist
       
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 
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies
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 Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusa-
 
 
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entific Revolutions
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e Risen Lord,
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 e Structure of Scientific Revolutions,
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 Risen Lord,
 
Review of Books on the Book of Mormon,
      
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