Summer 2015
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That, Which, Who:
Essential and Non-Essential Clauses
Essential Clauses:
Essential clauses (restrictive, or relative, clauses) includes information that is important to the meaning
of the sentence.
The word “that” refers to objects or places and is the biggest indicator of an essential clause (versus
“which,” which is a tell-tale of a non-essential clause). It introduces a descriptive or informative phrase
that adds important details to a sentence.
Example: The book that Dr. Doright left in the dining hall showed up on his desk today.
Non-essential Clauses:
Non-essential clauses (non-restrictive clauses) include information that is not important to the meaning
of the sentence. A comma always precedes a non-essential clause.
The word “which” introduces information that is not necessarily key or essential to understanding
what the writer wants to say and is the biggest indicator of a non-essential clause.
Example: Dr. Doright left the book, which was a birthday gift, in the dining hall.
Who—Essential and Non-essential:
Who always refers to people, not objects or places and can be used as to offset essential and non-
essential clauses.
Examples: Dr. Doright, who teaches Composition 1101, has a terrific sense of humor. (Non-essential)
The man who backed his car into me drove away without stopping to give me his insurance
information. (Essential)